We help communities to embrace diversity and overcome prejudice based on race, sex, class and ability
Training of Trainers
The TOT programme is designed for trainers and leaders in community-based organisations, including therapists, counsellors, project managers, ECD trainers, teachers and activists.
The course covers the basic principles of adult education and the values underpinning diversity and anti-bias work, including the innovative Persona Doll Approach. The focus is on strengthening self-awareness, facilitation and communication skills, and group work skills. It is designed to encourage self-awareness, confidence and creativity in adults working with children. The course can be adapted to meet the specific needs or challenges of an organisation or institution. The training encourages active citizenship, consistent with the activist problem-solving approach which underpins the Persona Doll Approach. The course can accommodate a maximum of 25 participants to ensure shared learning and maximum participation.